Our goal is to design more attractive residential areas and new mobility services for today’s city dwellers. Organising and handling parking and parking demands near dwellings in a new way lower the cost for expensive parking lots. The extricated resources can instead be used for new mobility services for residents and visitors, for example car clubs, availability of cargo bikes and intelligent delivery rooms for goods ordered online. Furthermore, courtyards and streets together with studios and stores can be made more attractive when car parking takes up less space.
Examples of new mobility services:
- Cargo bike sharing services
- Car sharing services
- Sharing services for innovative small electric vehicles
- Intelligent delivery rooms for home deliveries

Within the project, a demonstration house with apartments is being built in Stockholm, where the new mobility services are integrated in the rental cost for both apartments and stores, together with new arrangements for parking. We call our approach adaptive parking requirements. Our solutions are built upon tests, client evaluations and cooperation between authorities, researchers and developers (see Project Partners).
During 2013, pilot demonstrations are being made with two part-solutions: a cargo bike sharing service is being established in one of Riksbyggens housing cooperatives in the south of Stockholm, and one pilot is carried out with automatic surveillance and real-time information of cover on loading areas in the city of Stockholm with the purpose to ease the industries transportations in dense parts of the city.
In the fall of 2014, planning shall be finished for at least one demonstration house. Then, we will also have chosen which types of mobility services will be used in the demonstration house/houses, as well as having developed robust agreements between the city council and building developers so that agreed solutions will last over time. Evaluation and assessment of the residents travel habits and satisfaction is planned for a new phase of the project after 2014.